Agrimotion featured in Fresh Plaza

Future farmers will insist on data-sharing among service providersAs we move into the future of farming, more and more farmers will rely on the use of digital platforms to farm better. Never before have there been as many agtech companies collecting data, and the amount of data is overwhelming to farmers. Agrimotion strives to be [...]

By |2020-12-31T06:06:56+02:00December 31st, 2020|Magazine articles|0 Comments

Success share: 80 tons/Ha pear harvest with drip irrigation

Well done to the whole team at Weltevrede farm for a 80 tons/Ha pear harvest this year! We are extremely proud to be able to contribute to the success of your farm. We look forward to building trust and sharing hope with you for many more seasons. Please click here to read the full [...]

By |2020-10-19T19:35:51+02:00October 19th, 2020|Magazine articles|0 Comments

Agrimotion featured in Future Agro Challenge

IN THE FACE OF A PANDEMIC: THE AGRIFOOD ECOSYSTEM IN SOUTH AFRICA Despite the challenge we face due to Covid-19, we stay hopeful and thankful to be involved in the agri sector. Coenraad Fraenkel was interviewed recently and asked about the opportunities we can expect to emerge after the global pandemic. Future Agro Challenge's [...]

By |2020-06-04T10:42:05+02:00June 4th, 2020|Magazine articles|0 Comments

2020: The international year of plant health

- Ida Wilson To mark International Year of Plant Health, Ida Wilson, our plant pathologist and Crop Health Consultant, explains the importance of plant health and the threats plants currently face across the globe: Humans rely greatly on plants and plant products for everyday survival, yet the responsibility of keeping plants healthy and the importance [...]

By |2020-05-15T14:53:57+02:00May 15th, 2020|Magazine articles|0 Comments

Agrimotion in “Africa Outlook”

- Phoebe Calver Agrimotion has grown from its core vision of setting the standard for best practice in both fruit production and soil management on a global scale. Since its formation in 2013 by a team of soil scientists and horticulturists it has been providing innovative consulting solutions to aid sustainable growth. It has always [...]

By |2018-01-25T20:05:42+02:00January 25th, 2018|Magazine articles|0 Comments

Opleiding en die ‘basics’ laat produksie klim

- Lucille Botha Sy pad na die landbou het 'n nederige begin as plaaswerker se seun gehad, maar vandag pluk mnr. Frikkie Jacobs, plaas­bestuurder op een van die Bo­Radyn-boerdery se appel- en peerplase, die vrugte van die er­varing wat hy by vorige werkge­wers, soos die Dutoit Groep en Capespan, opgedoen het. Onder sy knap hand [...]

By |2018-01-25T20:06:45+02:00December 22nd, 2017|Magazine articles|0 Comments

Planne om besproeiing wetenskaplik te monitor

- Amelia Genis Natlei is lankal nie meer vir vrugteboere ’n opsie nie: Waterskaarstes vereis noukeurige besproeiing en deeglike monitering om optimale watertoediening te verseker. ’n Kenner bespreek die nuutste tegnologie wat vir boere beskikbaar is. Boere kan die toediening van besproeiingswater volgens ’n vaste rooster doen, of wetenskaplike beginsels vir doeltreffende skedulering benut, wat geskied in ’n volgorde van “besproei, monitor, [...]

By |2018-01-25T20:03:20+02:00September 29th, 2017|Magazine articles|0 Comments

Produksie 60% hoer met opleiding

Deur basiese landboupraktyke reg te doen, maar bowenal deur opleiding, kon mnr. Frikkie Jacobs, 'n plaasbestuurder op een van die Bo-Radyn-boerdery se appel-en-peer­plase, produksie binne twee jaar van 12 000 tot 18 000 kratte verhoog. Sy siening oor be­mag... Op mnr. Frikkie Jacobs se CV pryk van die indrukwekkendste vrugte-ondernemings in die Wes-Kaap - [...]

By |2018-01-25T19:35:06+02:00March 31st, 2017|Magazine articles|0 Comments

Technology takes farming to new levels

- Glenneis Kriel Paul Cluver, managing director of Paul Cluver Wines, and his sister, Karin, the production manager, spoke to Glenneis Kriel about new technologies used to improve fruit and wine production efficiency, thereby reducing input and other related cost. Brother-and-sister team, Paul and Karin Cluver of De Rust Estate near Elgin in the Western [...]

By |2018-01-25T20:08:51+02:00May 25th, 2016|Magazine articles|0 Comments
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