Our CEO’s May 2020 client roadtrip
- Coenraad Fraenkel Join our CEO, Coenraad Fraenkel on his journey through SA. Despite the lockdown, he was able to visit clients in May 2020. We are thankful that we are still able to reach [...]
A tiny beetle poses a huge threat to trees in South Africa
- Ida Wilson and Hilton Fryer This article requires an active response after reading it. Please follow the action steps listed at the end. A minute exotic beetle that carries disease-causing fungi is threatening [...]
Suid-Afrikaanse wingerdgronde en klimaat
Geskryf deur Dawid Saayman - Konsultant Grondspesialis, Distell, Stellenbosch Op versoek van WOSA, is hierdie artikel in Januarie 2013 vir die Belgiese kwartaallikse wyntydskrif, Tong-about wine, geskryf en in die No. 14/Winter 2012/20 13-uitgawe gepubliseer. Die artikel [...]
Have it made in the shade
The use of hail and shade nets in the deciduous fruit industry. Hail and shade nets have been used in agriculture for some time, however nets have recently been a hot topic. The use of [...]
Deur skade en skadu word ‘n mens wys
Die gebruik van hael- en skadunette in die kernvrugbedryf Die gebruik van skadu- en haelnette in landbou is geensins nuwe tegnologie nie. Die gebruik van nette word egter al hoe meer aanloklik soos die [...]
How ready is the horticultural sector for zone management
From discussions with various role players in the horticultural sector it is evident that one of the major needs for the industry is to have clear proof that the inputs that we provide transforms into [...]
Agriculture, Food and Security at the centre of African Union Summit
By: SEM Contributor on January 22, 2014. “Transforming Africa’s Agriculture: Harnessing Opportunities for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development” is the theme that will be at the center of discussions during the 22nd Assembly of Heads [...]
NDVI – Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is a simple graphical indicator that can be used to analyze remote sensing measurements, typically but not necessarily from a space platform, and assess whether the target being observed [...]
Japan: Aomori apples to get barcodes that show individual fruit’s history
Japan’s Aomori Prefecture produces almost all of the apples that are sent out-of-country for export. In a time when there is a clamor for safer food – especially from Japan – the Aomori prefectural government [...]
Soil Texture by feel
How to determine the soil texture by feeling it. Watch this handy video:
Peak Water: What Happens When the Wells Go Dry?
SUBMITTED BY LESTER R. BROWN ON WED, 12/04/2013 Lester R. Brown is president of the Earth Policy Institute. Peak oil has generated headlines in recent years, but the real threat to our future is peak [...]